Adaptor LogicTM Open Data Registration
Your new account with user name has been registered and an email sent to .
Please reply to the registration email in order to confirm and activate your account.
If you do not confirm your account within 24 hours it will cancelled and deleted.
Your API Key will only be active when you confirm your email address.
Please enter your details and click the submit button to initiate the registration process. Registration for access to the Open Data platform provides you with an API key and web user account which can be used to access the various data sources, API's and GUI's supported by the Open Data platform.
A user password and key are required to access certain API's and the web GUI as well as to retrieve your details with this application.
Users of the Open Data platform are provided with no guarantees whatsoever. Data provided by the platform is available under the terms of the Open Government Licence for public sector information except for data originating from commercial sources where the data cannot be used for commercial purposes without prior consent from the data owner. Such data will be tagged with a licence attribute giving the URL of the licence text.
Documentation for the Open Data Platform can be found here.
You will receive an email with further instructions once your request has been validated. If the email is not replied to within 24 hours your details will be removed from the system. Submission of this form signifies your acceptance of the conditions and your explicit agreement to abide by all applicable licence terms.
Any settings made here can be altered once registration is successful by returning to this form and entering your credentials or through the web GUI.
©Interact Computer Services Ltd - Adaptor Logic is a trading name